I Am The Way Truth Life
There was a time in Jesus’ ministry where when he would travel people would follow him around everywhere, everyone wanted to know who he is.
I AM Part 1
"Be still and know that I am God," . Do you yearn for that kind of deep, long-lasting peace? If we're being honest, we have a hard time putting this concept into practice. We rarely live with the conviction that God is God and we are not. Joins as we begin this new series!
A Fresh Start Part III | Let Go of It
Learn from the past but don’t let the past define you! You have the ability to decide to leave the past behind once you make up your mind. There is enough pain in life without one dragging all the pain of the past into one’s future. Release the past so the past can release you!
Life has enough unpreventable pain; even if you were to make all the right decisions in life, one is still going to experience some disappointment and pain because some things are going to go wrong (we live in a sin-cursed world).
Pursuing Relationships IV
I can imagine that if we only have 30 days to live many of the things of life that have been distractions and have divided our hearts… will be gone.
Pursuing Generosity III
There is a great misunderstanding that is puzzling: it is the mistaken belief that in order to have more, we must hold on tightly. EX: if we are going to have more money, we must keep more or hold on to it tightly. However, an open hand represents an open spirit; and when we have an open spirit, some of the money in our hands will get away, but when we have a closed hand, nothing can get in. For anything to get in, you must have an open hand.
Open Doors – Opportunities – Part II
Some people never see opportunities. Everything is a calamity; everything is an obstacle. For them the days are evil—and that’s why there are no opportunities. In the journey of life, they find excuses instead of opportunities.
Priorities- Seeking God’s Kingdom First
You and I will have our priorities, but we have options when it comes to those priorities. We can allow the world to set our priorities by what is popular and important to the world. It is the ambition to pursue everything that appeals to you, to the flesh
Handfuls Of Purpose
God loves you and He wants the very best for you! And He will drop “Handfuls of blessings” on you, on purpose. He is not a mean God. He is a loving God and loves giving gifts to those who delight themselves in Him, who commit themselves to Him, and who trust in Him.
Gratitude Part II | Compassionate Grace
Jesus upheld the standards of God’s perfect holiness but made it clear that there was only one person present who could have judged the woman. Only one who was sinless.
Gratitude Part I | Expressed Thanksgiving
There is a universal feeling of thankfulness that we all experience. We all feel thankful at moments in our life. When good things happen or we are finishing up a season that has been rough, we are thankful.
The Prodigal Compassion for the Prideful – Part II
“One can be lost through rebellion and one can be lost through religion!” (David Marvin) The Father loved both of his Sons, the rebellious and the religious son. Neither son really knew the heart of their Father.
Prodigal Son Part I (Compassion For The Rebellious)
Have you ever heard someone talking about someone you never knew, but because of their relationship with that person and the stories they shared, you felt like you knew that person?
How To Stay Close To GOD
When they're building a house the first thing they do is they dig down into the dirt to get to the solid part of it. And then they pour the foundation. Even if the foundation cracks, there is assurance that the house is built on solid ground.
Threads Of Hope Part VI Ezekiel (DRY BONES )
Have you ever had a “dark night of the soul”? Have you ever looked around at your life and your situation and seen nothing but, metaphorically speaking, of course, a valley of dead and dry bones? Imagine Ezekiel’s situation.
Threads Of Hope Part V (The Good Shepherd)
Sheep are not particularly bright animals. Sheep follow the crowd and don’t think of the consequences. It is not that they occasionally wander off, it is their pattern. It is predictable and expected. They are easily distracted and easily led astray.
Threads Of Hope Part IV (Who Is Shaping Us?)
There is nothing in this world can offer us that is as good as what God provides for us. This is why God is constantly calling us back to himself when it is the natural tendency of our flesh to drift away from him. God is faithful! Even though we may fail, God never fails us! God is full of compassion!
Threads Of Hope Part III (Gods Compassion / Faithfulness)
In his early period as a prophet, he denounced his people for their sins and corruption. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 586, however, Ezekiel became the consoler and comforter of the exiles, holding out to them the promise of a return to the homeland and the restoration of the Temple and of the throne of David.
Threads Of Hope
Israelites during their captivity were asking, where is God? Through this time of judgment, God would keep sharing threads of hope of how he would restore the nation of Israel; how he would take their heart of stone and turn it into a heart of flesh;