Where Do I Go From Here?
No matter where you are, it is never too late to make a change in the trajectory of your life. Seek wise counsel to help guide you in the right direction.
“But Lord…”
It is easy to quote the scriptures from the Bible and say we trust Him until He asks us to do something that we don’t understand or takes us out of our comfort zone.
Pennies and Sparrows…
Jesus taught the disciples that their worth to God was more than the sparrows – and Jesus said that God does not forget the sparrow. Jesus then went on to say that God knows the number of hairs on each head.
What’s Written on Your Heart?
As a child of God, we do not live our lives in fear, worrying about crossing all the t’s and dotting all the I’s;
Troubles and Trials…
In our western Christian world, persecution is not what we want to hear. Oh, we know that it exists – just not here. Trials and the sort are something that happens in other parts of the world. The truth of the matter is that I am afraid we that live in America, hear too much of a watered down – seeker friendly, feel-good gospel and a life of hardship, persevering and enduring is not part of the plan.
When Donkeys Talk
I have done it. I have pressed for what I wanted. I did not understand that God’s ways are better. His ways are not my way. His plan is more than I can comprehend
Love Poured Out
Valentine’s Day-a day to express love! Many people purchase cards, candy, perfume, jewelry, or flowers to give to the one they love. And some plan extravagant dates at the best restaurants or hotels—no limits for their Valentine's because love is in the air!
Stop Leaning!
I realize that knowing God and trusting in God is easier said than done. When we can’t see what tomorrow will bring, or what will happen if we make this decision or that, it brings on undue stress and anxiety.