The God Who Sees
You are not forgotten by the One who knows it all – the One who sees exactly where you are and the state you are in.
Don’t Stop!
“…I want to encourage you and cheer you on. God sees and knows what you do every single day. He sees your acts of service, your humanity and kindness that you do in the name of Jesus. God has a record of it all. You are reaching and accomplishing more than you know…”
Even There
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.
Victory in Christ over Deception and Lies
The enemy does not approach us with a red suit and pitchfork to entice us to sin. He knows exactly how to draw us in. He examines and listens to us verbalize all our weaknesses, frustrations, and desires.
Honey from the Rock
Today, God still wants a relationship with us through His Son, Jesus. He invites us to accept Jesus’ forgiveness for our sins and receive the gift of eternal life.
Where Do I Go From Here?
No matter where you are, it is never too late to make a change in the trajectory of your life. Seek wise counsel to help guide you in the right direction.
“But Lord…”
It is easy to quote the scriptures from the Bible and say we trust Him until He asks us to do something that we don’t understand or takes us out of our comfort zone.
Pennies and Sparrows…
Jesus taught the disciples that their worth to God was more than the sparrows – and Jesus said that God does not forget the sparrow. Jesus then went on to say that God knows the number of hairs on each head.
What’s Written on Your Heart?
As a child of God, we do not live our lives in fear, worrying about crossing all the t’s and dotting all the I’s;
Troubles and Trials…
In our western Christian world, persecution is not what we want to hear. Oh, we know that it exists – just not here. Trials and the sort are something that happens in other parts of the world. The truth of the matter is that I am afraid we that live in America, hear too much of a watered down – seeker friendly, feel-good gospel and a life of hardship, persevering and enduring is not part of the plan.