Troubles and Trials…
Not too long ago I was talking to my family regarding some things going on in my life. I gave all the details, making sure not to leave anything out, so they would understand my situation. I wanted all of them to jump on my bandwagon joining with me to pray that God would work it all out according to what I thought the best solution would be. My son then spoke up and said, “But Mom, what if this is just a trial and persecution that God is allowing, and you have to endure it?” Well, that was not the answer I wanted to hear! What? No deliverance? Just walk through it? I must admit that even though that was not the answer that I wanted, it did provoke me to think – and then to pray differently.
In our western Christian world, persecution is not what we want to hear. Oh, we know that it exists – just not here. Trials and the sort are something that happens in other parts of the world. The truth of the matter is that I am afraid we that live in America, hear too much of a watered-down – seeker friendly, feel-good gospel and a life of hardship, persevering and enduring is not part of the plan. I wonder if it is possible that our faith is based on an easy life with everything going according to our ideas and plans. But here is the problem with that theology, when sickness comes, we don’t get the job we wanted or lose the job we have, the marriage falls apart, and addiction steals what life we have, then we blame God for not answering prayers like we thought that He should and wonder why.
“In our western Christian world, persecution is not what we want to hear. Oh, we know that it exists – just not here. Trials and the sort are something that happens in other parts of the world. The truth of the matter is that I am afraid we that live in America, hear too much of a watered down – seeker friendly, feel-good gospel and a life of hardship, persevering and enduring is not part of the plan. ”
The war between Russia and Ukraine, the suffering that people are enduring is heart wrenching. To know that we have Christian brothers and sisters that are standing in harm’s way to minister to the broken and wounded, fearing for their own lives while still proclaiming the gospel, has rattled me. In the face of all of this, they are still preaching the gospel and thousands are accepting Jesus as Savior. My idea of suffering through my problems and hardships does not hold a light to what these people are enduring.
Jesus never once gave us the idea that we would not have trials in this life – Christian or non-Christian. In fact, Jesus spelled it out clearly in John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus promised in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Our faith and hope must be rooted in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Yes, Jesus heals, He provides all our needs, mends broken marriages, delivers from addictions and does more than we can hope or imagine. But what do we do if He doesn’t? We continue to believe that He is good. We persevere in our faith, trusting that He is Sovereign and that one day we that have accepted Jesus as Savior, will be with Him in Heaven to live out all eternity. That is the hope of the Gospel and foundation of our faith.
Have you ever had a random word or phrase come into your mind out of nowhere? And, you literally stop and think, “Where did that come from?” This happened to me this past week. The phrase that popped into my head was “the road less traveled.”