Room For One More…
See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!
Last week we kept our three youngest grandsons. I sat down in the recliner holding the baby giving him his bottle. The middle grand, who is almost two, quickly slid in beside me. The three-year-old, the oldest of the three, stood in front of me, in tears, with the most pitiful expression on his face and said, “Now I don’t have a spot!”
My heart sank! This Mimi said without hesitation, “We will make room for you!” And so, we did. The baby and I shifted over, the middle grand moved around, and up that sweet boy came! Four of us got in one regular-sized recliner!
After this happened, I began to think how our sweet grandson must have felt or what was going through his mind. Did he feel unwanted? Rejected? Unloved? It broke my heart for him to imagine that he was cast aside.
We read time and again in the Bible about the love of God and the invitation Jesus extends to all to come to Him. The Bible says in:
Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
II Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
“Luke, specifically writes that the father did not wait for the son to get to the yard or to the steps of his house; nor, did he get ready to spew the “I told you so’s” on him, but he ran to meet his lost son with open arms, embracing him and kissing him.”
I have heard people say, “I have sinned too much. I have gone too far and made too many mistakes to go to Jesus. He could never want me or use me.” What they don’t understand is that God DOES want them.
In Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 15, we read the Parable of the Lost Son. Jesus tells of a man that had two sons. The younger son decided to leave, head out on his own to live the big life. But after spending all that he had in wild living, he realized that the “reckless living” wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. There was a famine in the land and with very little food, so he sought out to find a job. Oh, he found a job that was truly less than glamorous--feeding the pigs.
One day while working in the pig pens, the thought occurred to him that he could go home, work for his father as a hired servant, and he would be better off than he was there! So, he got up, cleaned up the best that he could, and started for home.
The Bible says that he rehearsed over and over in his mind what he would say to his father. Think about it, when he asked for his inheritance from his father, he was implying that he wished the father was already dead. He was young, foolish, and thought he could have a more adventurous, exciting life. The son thought he would pursue something better for himself, far away from home.
I can imagine that the Father must have looked every day, hoping to see some sign of his son coming down that dusty road. We don’t know how many days must have passed, but the father continued to hope, to wait, and I am sure to pray to be reunited with the boy.
Then one day, as he searched as far as he could see, in the distance, the father saw what appeared to be his son. As the image got closer, it was him! Luke, specifically writes that the father did not wait for the son to get to the yard or to the steps of his house; nor, did he get ready to spew the “I told you so’s” on him, but he ran to meet his lost son with open arms, embracing him and kissing him.
I can’t imagine a better description of the Heavenly Father’s love than the words Jesus spoke as He shared this story. Our Father, God Almighty, loves you and me more than we can comprehend. And just like the father in this parable, God doesn’t wait to scold, reject, or disregard us. No, He accepts us with open arms. You can’t go too far or sin so great that the Father would turn you away.
What I didn’t tell you about our grandson is that when he was welcomed with open arms, hugs, and kisses in that recliner, he flashed a huge smile when he realized there was room for him in the recliner. As much as I love him, I realized that day that my welcoming and loving arms for him is nothing in comparison to the love God has for his children. There is always room at the cross for you! Sinner or Saint – there’s always room for one more.
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.