My Portion
“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.” Psalms 16:5
I saw an idea of writing scriptures on Instagram. It listed different topics for each month with a scripture for each day. So, I decided this year to attempt something brand new—something I have never done before - writing/journaling scriptures each day.
On day eight, my scripture to write was Lamentations 3:24, “I say to myself, The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him.” The word “portion” caught my attention, and I began to think about the meaning of God is my portion? My first thought was servings of food. A portion of the pie, cake, vegetable, etc. I know that the Bible says that Jesus is the Bread of Life, but I don’t think this word “portion” is referring to food.
When we read God is my portion, it is often defined as inheritance. Therefore, we could say that “God is my portion” means that He is the source of joy and blessings. God is the source of all that we need.
“We all struggle when it comes to believing and trusting God with our life - placing it all in His hands. Our hearts may fail but God is the strength of my heart – your heart, and our portion forever! ”
There were other scripture references listed with this passage - one being the above scripture in Psalms. Since I like to compare different versions and translations, I checked the Amplified Bible and The Passion Translation. The Amplified Bible ended Psalms 16:5 with “He is all I need.” But it was The Passion Translation that brought it home for me.
The Passion Translation says this: “Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands.”
King David makes it clear how important God is in his life. It is God alone. It is not God plus riches, God plus our good works, or God plus anything! No! Only You God are my inheritance. Only You God are my prize. Only You God are my pleasure, and my portion. You, God are my everything.
This passage makes me reflect on where and what I look to for my portion. There are times that I find myself looking to other things for my pleasure, happiness and inheritance, naming material things as my prize. Then, when the excitement of it all passes away, after having misplaced my hope and who I am in things instead of Christ, I fail miserably.
King David not only trusted God with the moment, but he trusted God with his future! David declared that God held his destiny and the timing for it in the palm of His hands. This whole destiny thing can be overwhelming. Asking God what is my destiny, when will it happen, or God, can I help you move it along a little faster is the path easy to take when I don’t see anything happening in life. It is easy to then doubt if God even has a plan for my life.
We all struggle when it comes to believing and trusting God with our life - placing it all in His hands. Our hearts may fail but God is the strength of my heart – your heart, and our portion forever!
In 2022, let us choose to wholeheartedly live life proclaiming loudly that it is God alone that sustains and holds us now and forever! Let us determine to live every day knowing that our destiny and the timing of it belongs to our faithful God who will carry it out according to His purpose and plan.